My vice and vision, a version of verisimilitude...only because when I write I'm in that funky kind of mood

Sunday, October 10, 2010

My Latest Obsession


Jenny purple

Don’t ask me why, but I have suddenly become obsessed with fuchsia. I bought this dress for the Lady Gaga show in August, and now every time I go shopping, I am scouring the racks for fuchsia. Funny enough, I think its out of season by now. I spent an entire day at the crappy Georgia mall trying to find something in this color, but to no avail. Alas, I must only fantasize about having somewhere to wear this dress to again. When I get depressed, the color of this fuchsia dress that is now hanging in my closet until further notice brings me the strangest happiness. 

If anyone finds anything in this color, please send it to me!!! Until I find another article of clothing in this color, shopping will never satisfy me, I am insatiable.


  1. Oh gosh, I found your blog! And love your Passover question--and I love what you said you miss (being homesick) because those are the same things I miss!!!

  2. Hey California girl,
    Hope you're having a good day!
